1. Chugh A, Gotecha S, Punia P, Raghu V, Patil A, Kotecha M. Neuroendoscopic management of third ventricular Neurocysticercosis presenting as Brun’s syndrome. Journal of Pediatric Neurosciences. Accepted for Publication.
2. Punia P, Chugh A, Gotecha S, Shinde V. Sphenoid wall dehiscence: a preventable cause of iatrogenic internal carotid artery rupture. Open Access Journal of Neurology and Neurosurgery 2020;14(2):47-49.
3. Gotecha S, Raghu V, Punia P, Chugh A, Khedkar BV Chhabra S et al. Primary solitary fibrous extradural tumour of the dorsal spine: case report. Egyptian Spine Journal. . Egyptian Spine Journal 2020;34:69-75.
4. Gotecha S, Punia P, Ranade D, Patil A, Chugh A, Kotecha M. Anterior Approach to the thoracic and thoracolumbar spine: A prospective study in our hospital. The Egyptian Spine Journal 2020;34:36-47.
5. Gotecha S , Punia P, Chugh A, Raghu V, Chabra S, Kashyap D. A rare case of an aneurysmal bone cyst of the temporal bone. Asian Journal of Neurosurgery. 2020;15(3):699-702 .
6. Ali M, Ranade D, Chugh A, Gotecha S, Punia P. Comparative study of Subgaleal versus subdural under water drainage system in the surgical treatment of chronic subdural hematoma. IOSR journal of Dental and Medical Sciences 2019;18(7):74-76.
7. Punia P, Gotecha S, Chugh A, Amle G, Kashyap D, Chhabra S. Evaluation of Epidemiology Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment and Complications in patients of Sellar region tumours. International Journal of Neurology and Neurosurgery.Oct-Dec2019;11(4):287-291.
8. Punia P, Gotecha S, Chugh A, Raghu V, Chabra S, Kashyap D, Raghu V, Patil A Factors Predicting the need of permanent CSF diversion surgery in children presenting with hydrocephalus due to posterior fossa tumours. International Journal of Neurology and Neurosurgery. 2019;11(3):219-222.
9. Gotecha S, Punia P, Patil A, Chugh A, Kotecha M, Raghu V, Ali M et al . A rare chronic presentation of schwannoma with hemorrhage. Asian Journal of Neurosurgery. 2019;14(3):897-900.
10. Chugh A, Gotecha S, Punia P, Patil A, Kotecha M Neuroendosopic excision of third ventricular colloid cysts., International Journal of Neurology and Neurosurgery..Dec 2018. 10(4);157-164.
11. Ali M, Ranade D, Chugh A, Gotecha S, Punia P, Kashyap D et al. Clinical and Radiological investigations in Head injury cases. Observational Study in urban population. Indian Journal of basic and applied Medical research. Surgical speciality issue.2018;4(7):53-56.
12. Patil A, Chugh A, Gotecha S, Kotecha M, Punia P, Ashok A et al. Microendoscopic discectomy for lumbar disc herniations. Journal of Craniovertebral Junction and Spine 2018;9:156-162.
13. Chugh A, Gotecha S, Amle, G, Patil A, Punia P, Kotecha M. Abnormal migration and extrusion of abdominal end of ventriculoperitoneal shunt: an experience of eight cases Journal of Pediatric NeuroSciences 2018;13(3): 317-321.
14. Gotecha S, Ranade D, Patil SV, Chugh A, Kotecha M, Sharma S et al. The role of transforaminal percutaneous endoscopic discectomy in lumbar disc herniations. . J Craniovertebr Junction Spine. 2016 Oct-Dec; 7(4): 217–223.
15. Gotecha S, Chugh A, Amle G, Punia P,Ashok A, Kotecha M. Multifocal Skeletal tuberculosis involving the calvarium and posterior spinal elements in an immunocompetent patient. The journal of spinal surgery.Oct-Dec2017;4(4):195-199.
16. Gotecha S, Ranade D, Sharma S, Punia P, Kotecha M. Giant intradural intramedullar20. Gotecha S, R.N. Bharadwaj, Balaji Dhaigude, Priyanka Malekar.Left sided perforated appendicitis in an adult with malrotated gut. Pak J Surg 2012; 28(3): 239-240y epidermoid cyst. Report of two cases with varied presentations. Asian Journal of Neurosurgery, 2014; 9 (4): 244-246.
17. Gotecha S, Ranade D, Phalke P, Dhaigude B, Kotecha M, Punia P. Paraspinal hydatid cyst with unusual presentation .Parasitologists United Journal, 2015; 8(1): 78-80.
18. Umesh P, Gotecha S, Sagale S, Ganjare P, Punia P, Sharma S..Pleomorphic Xanthoastrocytoma in a patient with neurofibromatosis type 1. International Journal of Advances in Case Reports, 2015;2 (9): 617-620.
19. Phalke U,Punia P, Gotecha S, Ashok A, Sharma S. Deep Temporal Lobe Arterio Venous Malformation (AVM): A Case Report. International Journal of Neurology & Neurosurgery, Jul-Dec 2014;6 (2): 75-78.
20. Gotecha S, R.N. Bharadwaj, Balaji Dhaigude, Priyanka Malekar.Left sided perforated appendicitis in an adult with malrotated gut. Pak J Surg 2012; 28(3): 239-240.
21. Malekar P, Gotecha S, Rathod M, Kotecha M, Kadyan B.Hand assisted laparascopic colorectal surgery: current status in era of conventional laparascopic colorectal surgery. International Journal of Recent Scientific Research Research, June 2015; 6 (5): 4302-4307.